Why I Stopped Babysitting My Stepkids for Free

Blending families can present unique challenges, as Carla is discovering. She’s currently navigating the complexities of caring for her husband’s three children for extended periods each day, a situation that has arisen due to his ex-wife’s demanding work schedule. Feeling overwhelmed and unsure about this arrangement, Carla sought our guidance on how to manage these expectations and find a solution that works for everyone involved.

This is Carla’s letter:

My husband’s ex-wife works long hours, leaving their three kids—aged 10, 8, and 5—constantly at our house. I’m a housewife, and these kids are here almost every day, even when my husband isn’t around. She claims she’s “too busy” with work, but it’s becoming my burden.

Yesterday, I finally confronted her. I said, “I’m not a free nanny. If you want me to loy-Ste perckids I demand $150 al.” My husband was eerily silent, and his ex-wife looked absolutely floored. As she left, my husband turned to me with a cold smirk and said, “And I’m not an unlimited ATM. I work hard to provide a comfortable life for you, and I won’t stand for you treating my kids like they’re outsiders. This is their home too!”

I was livid and argued that being a housewife is already exhausting; how could he expect me to care for three kids who aren’t mine without any acknowledgment? This morning, I was utterly shocked to find all my belongings packed into boxes. My husband left a note that read, “Since you think your services are worth $150 a day, maybe you should start paying for your own things.”

I feel deeply insulted by his actions. This isn’t like him at all. Was I really wrong to ask for some recognition for looking after three kids that aren’t even mine?


Hi Carla! We understand that this is a sensitive matter. We’ve put together four tailored pieces of advice to help you navigate this situation effectively.

Prioritize open communication with your husband.
Schedule a calm, private discussion with your husband to openly share your feelings and concerns. Make sure to clarify that your suggestion for payment stemmed from frustration rather than any negative feelings toward his children. Explain the physical and emotional demands of unexpectedly taking on the care of three kids, and propose finding a balanced solution. This could involve sharing responsibilities more evenly or arranging for additional help on a regular basis to ease the burden.

Suggest implementing a structured childcare plan that outlines clear expectations and responsibilities.
Rather than requesting payment, suggest a more structured childcare arrangement to both your husband and his ex-wife. This plan could involve setting clear times when you’re responsible for the kids and ensuring your husband takes on a more active role during his off-hours. Additionally, consider discussing the possibility of hiring a part-time nanny or enrolling the children in after-school programs to help ease the burden on you and create a more balanced approach to their care.

Consider seeking family counseling as a way to address the challenges you’re facing.
Consider the possibility of attending family counseling together. A professional therapist can mediate discussions, ensuring that each person’s viewpoint is heard and understood. This approach can enhance communication and empathy among all parties involved—yourself, your husband, and his ex-wife—and offer practical strategies for navigating the complexities of blended family dynamics.

Prioritize self-care and establish clear personal boundaries.
Dedicate time to self-care and clearly define personal boundaries. It’s important to communicate with your husband about the need for personal time and space. This might involve setting aside regular intervals for activities that bring you joy and allow you to recharge. Additionally, encourage your husband to actively participate in parenting duties when he’s home, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or solely responsible for the children. This shared approach can help maintain a balanced and healthy family dynamic.

When it comes to blended families, Sarah faces her own challenges with her ex-husband’s new wife. She made the difficult decision to ban her from seeing their children, and she believes it was for a truly valid reason.

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