Past Presidents’ Physicals: What We Know So Far

CNN looked at old reports from physical exams of former presidents. These reports usually include basic information like height, weight, and blood pressure. But they also include details like how Obama’s doctor removed a skin tag, how George H. W. Bush’s doctor drained a cyst on his finger, and how Gerald Ford’s doctor pushed for a swimming pool at the White House.

Presidential candidates aren’t required to share the results of their medical exam, but Jackson did so during a meeting on Tuesday and said on Friday that Trump was in “excellent health.”

Here is a look at how healthy past leaders were based on the exams they had.

Former President Donald Trump shared a report that said he had “exceptional” mental health. This was a thinly hidden dig at Joe Biden on the 81st birthday of the vice president.

The note, which was signed by Trump’s personal doctor, is mostly positive and not very detailed. It says that Trump’s general health is “excellent” and that he did “exceptionally” on cognitive tests.

It also says that Trump has “lost weight through a better diet and continued daily physical activity.” This is said to be the reason why his “laboratory analysis” came back better than previous tests. But there aren’t any specific metrics mentioned.

Trump told the Fulton County Jail in August that he was 6’3″ tall and weighed 215 pounds. Some people on social media said those measurements were the same as Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson’s, even though Jackson is shorter at 6’2″.

During a 2019 presidential checkup, Trump weighed 243 pounds. At that time, his doctor told him he was “very healthy” generally, but he was technically overweight.

People have been wondering about the 77-year-old’s health for a long time. Trump used the issue as a campaign talking point when he said that Hilary Clinton, who was running for president as a Democrat at the time, didn’t have the “stamina” to do her job.

A string of medical mistakes and what look like efforts to trick the public have only stoked the fire.

In 2015, Trump’s doctor said he would be “the healthiest person ever elected to the presidency.” The doctor later admitted that the patient had written the note.

Some people didn’t trust Trump’s doctors in 2020 because they gave mixed or missing information about the president’s coronavirus illness, which spread quickly.

Also that same year, Trump made headlines for days by talking about how well he did on a test of dementia that he said was an intelligence test. He said the questions were about picking out an elephant and saying “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV” over and over.

How important is the difference in age between Biden and Trump? We asked voters over 60.
As he tries to become the Republican nominee for president in 2024, Trump has frequently criticized Biden’s mental health, calling him a senile puppet that his staff holds up.

And polls show over and over that some people feel the same way.

So, the fact that Trump’s team released the positive medical report on his birthday makes it look like a political move, even though the report itself says that Trump’s most recent “comprehensive examination” took place on September 13.

Biden’s most recent physical, in February 2023, showed that he was in good health, but his falls and stumbling still make national news.

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