I’m Positive You Will Not Know What This Is

Kids of today would look at a VHS tape, landline telephone, and walkman and have absolutely no idea what any of them were. Growing up during a technology boom, it’s been incredible to see how common household objects used for many years became obsolete in the blink of an eye.

I will admit, when I first saw a photo of the below object, I had no idea what it was. I knew it was a metal tool of some sort, but beyond that, I was stumped. Do you remember and recognize this object?

Look familiar? It’s an old oil can opener spout! Although this object may look prehistoric, it actually only dates back to the 1980s. Back then, people would use the tool to puncture a hole in the top of the can, and the spout part was used for pouring oil. Though fairly simple in design, this object is actually pretty genius.

When I think of the ’80s, it seems like just yesterday. It’s mind-blowing to think the ’80s were 40+ years ago! Though these openers aren’t commonly used nowadays, I’m willing to bet many people still have one stashed away with the tools in their garage. And of course, people (especially mechanics) collect them! So if you’re ever at a yard sale or antique store and come across one of these nifty little gadgets, it might not be a bad idea to pick one up.

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