Brian Cox Slams The Bible As ‘One Of The Worst Books Ever’

Logan Roy launched into a scathing tirade during a recent interview on “The Starting Line Podcast,” with “Succession” star Brian Cox, aged 77, delivering a blistering critique of religious beliefs. Cox expressed his views candidly, stating, “Religion does hold us back because it’s belief systems which are outside ourselves.” He emphasised the constructed nature of religious doctrines, asserting, “We’ve created that idea of God, and we’ve created it as a control issue, and it’s also a patriarchal issue.”

Continuing his impassioned speech, Cox underscored the importance of recognising and honouring women, highlighting resistance stemming from traditional narratives such as Adam and Eve. He didn’t shy away from condemning the Bible, labelling it as “one of the worst books ever” due to its perpetuation of outdated beliefs.

While acknowledging that some individuals find solace in religion, Cox was firm in his stance against what he deemed as falsehoods propagated by religious institutions. He insisted on the importance of truth over mythology.

Known for his straightforward demeanour, Cox has previously made blunt remarks, including criticisms of his co-star Jeremy Strong’s method acting. He described it as “annoying” and expressed concerns about the toll it takes on Strong himself.

In his latest podcast appearance, Cox expanded his critique to global conflicts, particularly the ongoing tension in the Middle East. He attributed the persistence of such conflicts to entrenched belief systems, lamenting the lack of self-reflection in society.

Cox’s outspoken opinions reflect his commitment to challenging conventional narratives and promoting critical thinking.

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