This Math Quiz Is Made For Middle Schoolers – But Can You Crack It?

Back in middle school, most of us used to absolutely dread a sudden math quiz. Not only were they confusing, but they would also have a sense of dread if we knew we did poorly on them. But, as an adult, solving a middle school math quiz can actually be pretty fun, believe it or not!

Solving such a quiz benefits us in two ways. First, it helps us recall how we can solve a particular problem. Secondly, it also makes us use our logical skills as we attempt to solve it.

As with everything in life, our brains get rusty too. So it might feel a bit difficult to actually get these parts of the brain working. But similar to working out in the gym, after a bit of determination, the end product is going to be extremely beneficial.

The Maths Quiz.

So what do you think the answer is to the question above? Take your time and choose wisely!

Have you managed to solve the quiz? Trust us when we say the answer is right in your palms

If you are still struggling then here is a small hint: try to remember the order in which a mathematical equation should be solved.

Did that help you? If you have decided on an answer, then scroll down to find it!

The Solution
Before we talk about the solution, do you remember the rule known as PEMDAS (or BEDMAS for some)? That is exactly how you solve this quiz. If you need a brush-up on the order of operations, check out the video below!

So according to the rule, we will first do the equation inside the parenthesis. So, we do 2+1 = 3.

Now, the equation becomes 5 + 7 (3).

The second step is any multiplication/division operators. In this case, it will be 7 (3) = 7 x 3 = 21.

So the equation becomes 5 + 21.

And, finally, there is only the addition that remains. This gives us the final answer: 5 + 21 = 26. So the correct answer was C!

Did you choose the correct option? If not, which option did you choose and how did you get it! Let us know in the comments below! Also, be sure to share the quiz with your friends and family to check out how much they remember from middle school as well!

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