My name is Maria, I am 53 years old, and I have been married for 32 years


My name is Maria, I am 53 years old, and I have been married to my husband for 32 years. We have two daughters who no longer live with us.

For 15 years, my relationship with my husband was beautiful, with some minor issues, as is the case in any family. In 1995, due to a bank loan, we lost the apartment we were living in. With two young children, we were forced to move in with my parents.

Three years later, my husband went to France, and I followed, leaving our daughters with my parents. We both worked for two years and managed to buy a house.

The house we bought was far from my parents, so I had to leave my husband alone in France while I stayed in Romania with the girls. During this time, we spoke on the phone and saw each other every few months.

During this time, another woman entered my husband’s life, someone who changed him into someone he could no longer control.

He spoke rudely even to our daughters and didn’t want us to visit him. It was a shock for me and my youngest daughter (who still loves my husband very much). I had a mental breakdown, stopped eating, couldn’t sleep, and my life felt like an endless nightmare.

Years passed, and I found a job and slowly started to forget what I had been through. One day, my husband lost his job, ran out of money, and asked our daughters if he could come back home.

We welcomed him and forgave him, but he continued to cheat on me. Every time I found out because he didn’t know how to hide his extramarital affairs.

Then he behaved for a few years until he went to Africa, where, of course, he found a 24-year-old woman, younger than his own daughters. Now he works in France, and comes home once a month, but has another mistress who is 20 years younger than him. Even though I found out, he denies having this relationship.

Please, tell me what should I do?

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